Southern Wisconsin's Most Charming Theatre
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608 877-4400
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Watkins Family Hour (Courtney Hartman opens)

Watkins Family Hour (Courtney Hartman opens)

Fri. Dec. 17, 2021 @7:30 pm

$35 - In Person
$20 - Streaming Access

Moving from one landscape to the next -- literally and musically -- is nothing new to Sean and Sara Watkins, who have performed separately and together for nearly their whole lives. Growing up near San Diego, they played countless shows at a local pizza place in Carlsbad, California, with their childhood friend, Chris Thile. As young adults, those three musicians broke out nationally as Nickel Creek, an acoustic ensemble that sold millions of albums, won a Grammy, and toured the world.

With Nickel Creek on hiatus, Sean and Sara released multiple solo albums and pursued other collaborations, most recently with Sara’s involvement in I’m With Her. However, the siblings gravitated toward the idea of a second Watkins Family Hour album (self-titled debut in 2015) after realizing that their calendars afforded them a rare opportunity to write, record, and tour together. Sean and Sara Watkins consider Brother Sister a duo-centric record – yet one that feels bigger than just two people.

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