Southern Wisconsin's Most Charming Theatre
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381 E. Main St.
Stoughton, WI 53589
608 877-4400
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Steely Dane plays The Royal Scam

Steely Dane plays The Royal Scam
Sat. Feb. 12, 2022 @7:30 pm

$25 - In-Person
$10 - Streaming Access

Winner of the 2015 MAMA award for best cover band, Steely Dane is dedicated to not only faithfully reproducing Steely Dan and Donald Fagen songbook, but to bringing an energetic live-show experience to the crowd. 20 of Dane County’s best jazz and rock musicians have banded together around their passion for Steely Dan music, playing in the same configuration as the Steely Dan touring band including a four piece horn section and three background singers. Shows consist of hits and deep cuts-- sometimes even complete albums-- and are sure to have you out of your seats singing along.
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