Southern Wisconsin's Most Charming Theatre
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Most of our shows this season will be available to attend remotely. As show dates approach and the okay to stream is confirmed with the artist, a streaming icon will appear next to that shows listing. Just click to purchase a stream and watch from the couch!


381 E. Main St.
Stoughton, WI 53589
608 877-4400
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Harmonious Wail

Harmonious Wail
Thurs. Dec. 2, 2021 @ 7:30pm

$22 - In-Person
$12 - Streaming Access

Though richly influenced by European gypsy musicians, Madison’s own Harmonious Wail bursts through the boundaries of the genre with its enticing arrangements and sheer joy. Smoldering vocals are laced with jazzy mandolin and guitar for an infectious blend of continental jazz, swing, and gypsy music. Harmonious Wail has won multiple Madison Area Music Association (MAMA) awards.
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