Southern Wisconsin's Most Charming Theatre
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381 E. Main St.
Stoughton, WI 53589
608 877-4400
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MadFiddle & Highway 151 23/24

MadFiddle & Highway 151 23/24
Sun. Apr. 28 @4:00pm
General Admission

With fiddles in hand, Madison's premiere youth violin ensemble, MadFiddle, gears up for its annual Stoughton Opera House performance. Drawing on music extracted from Scandinavian folk, bluegrass, Celtic songs, Eastern and blues folk tunes, Appalachian, Brazilian, ragtime, as well as modern acoustic artists, MadFiddle brings students between the ages of six and seventeen together for a romping, stomping, good time. MadFiddle is directed by the Madison Area Music Association's 2016 "Teacher of the Year," Shauncey Ali, and accompanied by the energetic adult backing band, Highway 151 which consists of Chris Powers on mandolin and bouzouki, Pat Spaay on upright bass, and Bruce Anderson on guitar. Thriving on its mad enthusiasm for the instrument, MadFiddle shows up with that blast of inherent joy that comes along with playing music with friends.
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