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Victoria Victoria featuring Charlie Hunter 23/24

Victoria Victoria featuring Charlie Hunter 23/24
Fri. Feb. 23 7:30 PM
$30 - In-Person
$20 - Streaming Access

Tori Elliott's deep love of harmony is the driving force that shapes her soul-pop musical endeavor, Victoria Victoria. Her craft in songwriting is the seedbed for intricate vocal arrangements, creating a layered, ethereal experience; one that translates dynamically from her albums to her live shows.

2022 saw the release of Victoria Victoria's album, TO THE WAYSIDE, which is a collaborative effort with guitarist and producer, Charlie Hunter. "Writing these songs with Charlie was an otherworldly experience," says Elliott, who engineered and produced her lead and background vocals in her home studio. "Arranging these songs for our live show was even more incredible." Hunter and Elliott teamed up to write glossy anthems of self-acceptance such as "Over my Shoulder" and "Move Right On", and enticing tunes of invitation like "Really Really" and "Keep Up".

January of 2023 marked Victoria Victoria's debut tour with Charlie Hunter on hybrid guitar, her brother, Noah Elliott on keys and vocals, her dear friend and collaborator, Maia Kamil on vocals, and renowned Memphis drummer, George Sluppik. the rhythm section makes for a sturdy foundation for transcendent vocal performances and inviting banter. The charisma and kinship between the band members left listeners with the sense that each Victoria Victoria show is truly a family affair.

Charlie Hunter:
With a career spanning 25 years and almost 20 albums, Charlie Hunter consistently ups his game as an innovative writer and bandleader. He has worked with the likes of Norah Jones, Mos Def, John Mayer, DAngelo and countless others. He is widely considered the authority on the seven and eight string guitar, and continues to stun audiences with his ability to simultaneously bust out tasty bass parts, melodic leads and swinging rhythms.

Hunter has previously recorded for the venerable Blue Note label, Concord, Ropeadope, and others. His current venture on GroundUP is steered by his motivation to release music that most inspires him. Critics have touted his genius technique, but it's his profound artistic sensibility that propels his original music. Hunter's signature style of writing and performing has secured his place as one of today's great guitarists.
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