Southern Wisconsin's Most Charming Theatre
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Most of our shows this season will be available to attend remotely. As show dates approach and the okay to stream is confirmed with the artist, a streaming icon will appear next to that shows listing. Just click to purchase a stream and watch from the couch!


381 E. Main St.
Stoughton, WI 53589
608 877-4400
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The Jimmys 23/24

The Jimmys 23/24

“Some bands grab the crowd on the first number. Such a band is The Jimmys. They are incredibly tight for a seven piece and have an infectious enthusiasm. They quickly became a crowd favorite.” –Dennis Massingill, Kalamazoo Blues Festival 

Fri. Sept. 22 7:30 PM


THE JIMMYS are an award winning, high energy 7-piece blues band featuring Jimmy Voegeli on keyboard and organ, Perry Weber on guitar, Chris Sandoval on drums, John Wartenweiler on bass and an amazing 3-piece horn section. They are sure to get you dancing!!
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