Southern Wisconsin's Most Charming Theatre
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Stoughton, WI 53589
608 877-4400
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Steve Poltz 23/24

Steve Poltz 23/24
Thurs. Nov. 2 7:30 PM
$25 - In-Person
$20 - Streaming Access

Some people start life with a plan. Not Steve. He opens himself up to the universe in a way most of us will never be loose enough to achieve, and the universe responds with a wink, a seemingly bottomless well of inspiration, and the talent to truly connect with an audience. While 2021 could have found him adrift, faced with a tour moratorium the likes of which he hadn’t experienced in decades, it opened a door — literally, his friend Oliver Wood of The Wood Brother’s door  — to creating an exuberant, thoughtful batch of songs that celebrate life in all of its stages. 

The resulting album is called Stardust & Satellites [Red House / Compass Records]. 

“I just make stuff up,” he exclaims, quipping, “it sounded good to say that.” Steve is the sort of prolific writer and collaborator who downplays what seems like a non-stop geyser of creativity. “I have no rhyme or reason for what I do. It’s all magic. I go by instinct. It just felt right, so I went with it.”
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