Southern Wisconsin's Most Charming Theatre
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381 E. Main St.
Stoughton, WI 53589
608 877-4400
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Home for the Holidays--Livingston Taylor & Karla Bonoff 23/24

Home for the Holidays--Livingston Taylor & Karla Bonoff 23/24
Sat. Dec. 9 7:30 PM
$50 - In-Person
$25 - Streaming Access

Karla Bonoff and Livingston Taylor come Home for the Holidays with a seasonally spiced show that will remind you of what a wonderful time of the year it is. 

Karla Bonoff, one of her generation’s great songwriters and Livingston Taylor, entertainer extraordinaire, have joined forces for an unforgettable performance of song and joy, featuring some of the best-known Holiday classics including songs from Karla’s critically acclaimed Holiday album, Silent Night, as well as some of their best-known songs.

The stage is home for Karla and Livingston, who have always maintained busy annual touring schedules. Now they are excited to be back “home” playing for their audience with performances that will be intimate, familiar, enthralling, and inspired by the essence of the season.

The Home for the Holidays Tour is truly a musical gift from Karla Bonoff and Livingston Taylor that will enliven the spirit of the Season for audiences everywhere.
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