Southern Wisconsin's Most Charming Theatre
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Dead Horses 23/24

Dead Horses 23/24
Thur. Oct. 19 7:30 PM
$27 - In-Person
$20 - Streaming Access

A bustling boulevard in the heart of Milwaukee provides a colorful backdrop for the latest album by folk duo Dead Horses. BRADY STREET, which is due out on August 12, 2022, is Dead Horses’ first full-length release since their arresting 2018 record, MY MOTHER THE MOON. The last album charted on the Americana Top 50 radio charts for three consecutive months. The single “Turntable” accrued more than 35 million spins on Spotify and was also featured on the Amazon and Apple Americana playlists. The pair’s select media highlights include a Rolling Stone “Artist You Should Know” mention as well as profiles in Billboard, Noisey, and even independent global news publication Democracy Now!

Since the band’s early days, Dead Horses has been something of a fluid project centered around Sarah and Dan but has also welcomed other like minded musicians for recording and touring. The band's seemingly dark name is a loving tribute to a former friend of the band who passed away due to struggles with opioid abuse. To this end, Vos says, “Our music is about hope and joy, all while sharing an important message that you’re never alone in your battles.”
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