Southern Wisconsin's Most Charming Theatre
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608 877-4400
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Jake Shimabukuro: Christmas in Hawai’i 23/24

Jake Shimabukuro: Christmas in Hawai’i 23/24
Wed. Dec. 6 7:30 PM
$40 - In-Person
$40 - Streaming Access

Ukulele master and jolly ambassador of aloha, Jake Shimabukuro, will bring joy to the world this upcoming holiday season by delivering a special gift for all with the debut of his highly anticipated JAKE SHIMABUKURO:  CHRISTMAS IN HAWAI’I.

With only four strings, Jake is a humble master whose mission is to inspire. Whether one-on-one or in front of an audience of thousands, Jake shares a deep emotional connection with the listener that is open, magical, and transcendent. Jake’s genuine love for people, the spirit of holidays, and his beloved home of Hawai’i are at the forefront of this memorable event. It will be a warm welcome of merriment and wonder for the season.

In addition to his signature favorites, this special show will draw on a vibrant catalog of holiday classics such as “We Three Kings”, “Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer”, “O Holy Night”, “I’ll Be Home For Christmas”, and selections from JAKE & FRIENDS, released in November 2021 in collaboration with Willie Nelson, Bette Midler, Jack Johnson, Michael McDonald, Vince Gill, Amy Grant, and more.

Along with bassist Jackson Waldhoff and special guest, singer-songwriter Justin Kawika Young, Jake Shimabukuro will spread good cheer with a light-hearted take on the holidays sure to keep spirits bright. Exceptional and lively, JAKE SHIMABUKURO CHRISTMAS IN HAWAI’I is sure to become an eagerly anticipated annual family event.
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