Southern Wisconsin's Most Charming Theatre
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608 877-4400
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Charlie Parr--Two Runner opens 23/24

Charlie Parr--Two Runner opens 23/24
Fri. Mar. 8 7:30 PM
$25 - In-Person
$25 - Streaming Access

Charlie Parr is an incorruptible outsider who writes novelistic, multi-layered stories that shine a kaleidoscopic light on defiant, unseen characters thriving in the shadows all around us. Parr has a new record with only his name on it, and it isn’t shiny and perfect and commercial and catchy. It’s him. It’s pure Charlie Parr and that’s enough. He hasn’t moved to LA or Nashville; he’s stayed in the cold gray north of Minnesota, because that’s his home.

Two Runner:

Two Runner is Paige Anderson and Emilie Rose. The American Roots duo from Northern California embody the hills they grew up in. Through the mediums of clawhammer banjo, flatpicking guitar, vocal harmonies, and oldtime fiddle, Two Runner puts a hip take on the Appalachian feel.

Front woman Paige Anderson grew up touring in her family bluegrass band, Anderson Family Bluegrass, starting at the age of 9. The family of six traveled for about 12 years as Anderson Family Bluegrass and later The Fearless Kin. Paige wrote her first song with Chuck Ragan at 15, which kickstarted her love for songwriting. In the last few years, Paige has spent her time creating new music, played bass for Family of the Year (2018), wrote a plethora of new songs to share, and has been discovering a new sound for herself and Two Runner.

Fiddler Emilie Rose was raised on Scottish Fiddle and fiddle camps starting at the age of 9. In her early years, she led Celtic band The String Sisters who played together for 10 years in the Sierra Nevada Foothills. Emilie has a deep understanding and love for folk music traditions.

Emilie took the fiddle out of NorCal to study at Berklee College of Music, where she graduated in 2020. In her studies, Emilie was mentored by the greats such as Bruce Molsky, Natalie Haas, and Darol Anger.

Together, Two Runner brings a rich mix to the folk music world, with their harmonies, banjo pickin', dirt kickin' duo.
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