Southern Wisconsin's Most Charming Theatre
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381 E. Main St.
Stoughton, WI 53589
608 877-4400
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Yasmin Williams (2024)

Yasmin Williams (2024)
Wed. Oct. 23 7:30 PM

$25 - In-Person
$15 - Streaming Access

Yasmin Williams sits on her leather couch, her guitar stretched across her lap. She taps the fretboard with her left hand as her right hand plucks a kalimba placed on the guitar’s body. Her feet, clad in tap shoes, keep rhythm on a mic’d wooden board. Even with all limbs in play, it’s mind boggling that the melodic and percussive sounds that emerge are made by just one musician. With her unique ambidextrous and pedidextrous, multi-instrumental techniques, and influences ranging from video games to West African griots, Yasmin Williams is truly a guitarist for the new century. So too is her stunning sophomore release, Urban Driftwood, an album for and of these times. Though the record is instrumental, its songs follow a narrative arc of 2020, illustrating both a personal journey and a national reckoning. Urban Driftwood has been praised by publications such as Pitchfork, Rolling Stone, The Washington Post, NPR Music, No Depression, and Paste Magazine.
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