Southern Wisconsin's Most Charming Theatre
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Backyard Tire Fire 2024

Backyard Tire Fire 2024
Fri. Sept 27 7:30 PM

$20 - In-Person
$10 - Streaming Access

The rebirth of Backyard Tire Fire springs forth with an undeniable burst of musical energy. The Midwestern guitar rock unit is back with Black Dirt Blue Sky, their first collection of new recordings in 10 years.

The music radiates a spirit of renewal, showing how much bandmates Edward David Anderson, Matt Anderson, Scott Tipping and John Ganser are happy to play new songs together after a decade-long hiatus.

BTF were darlings of radio stations like Chicago’s WXRT-FM in the early 2000s. Grammy Award-winning producer Steve Berlin of Los Lobos produced their 2010 album, Good To Be. Johnny Hickman of Cracker compared them to Wilco.

Black Dirt Blue Sky is loaded with moments that coax smiles and recall good memories. “Carefree Kids” inspires nostalgia, while “Alejandro Escovedo” is both a wry ode to the mystery of dreams and a nod to the iconic rocker. The band’s experience touring the USA and recording a series of timeless alt-country records in the early aughts informs the present-day energy of tunes like “Little Wren” and the music shines with beauty and joy, like light at the end of a long tunnel.
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