Southern Wisconsin's Most Charming Theatre
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381 E. Main St.
Stoughton, WI 53589
608 877-4400
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Roses for The Roches

Roses for The Roches
Sat. Apr. 5 7:30 PM


Unapologetic harmony nerds Nora O’Connor, Sima Cunningham, and Kelly Hogan are banding together to perform a loving tribute to the original New Jersey “nurds” - the legendary sister trio, The Roches. The quirky-brainy left-of-center songwriting and laser beam harmony vocals of Maggie, Terre, and Suzzy Roche have influenced countless musicians since their debut in the mid-70s - including rabid devotees O’Connor, Cunningham, and Hogan. They’ll present a bouquet of a dozen Roches classics in a very special show as a stripped-down trio, featuring guest host, Chicago multimedia star, Alex Grelle. 
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