Southern Wisconsin's Most Charming Theatre
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381 E. Main St.
Stoughton, WI 53589
608 877-4400
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An Acoustic Christmas with Over the Rhine (2024)

An Acoustic Christmas with Over the Rhine (2024)
Fri. Dec. 6 7:30 PM

$35 - In-Person
$20 - Streaming Access

One December, not long after Over the Rhine began recording and touring, we were invited to perform some seasonal songs on a public radio station in Cincinnati. It was Christmastime and apparently they thought we were up to the task. In December of 1996 we released our first song cycle of Christmas carols that still haunted us, along with a few original tunes and called it The Darkest Night Of The Year. After a special sold out release concert on winter solstice in Cincinnati, folks began snatching up copies and seemed to agree that they hadn’t heard anything quite like it. 

By the time we released our third holiday album of original songs, Karin suggested we had discovered a new genre of music: Reality Christmas.

This year, we will be leaning into some harmonies, making an intimate but hopefully holy ruckus. It won’t be all Christmas music: we’ll certainly mix in tunes from many of our records along the way. But hopefully it’s still true: hopefully you haven’t heard anything quite like it. 

Maybe, regardless of whatever reality Christmas brings, we’ll hear a faint echo of a song once rumored to have been sung by angels, a song of peace on earth, goodwill toward all…We’ve never heard anything quite like it.
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