Southern Wisconsin's Most Charming Theatre
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381 E. Main St.
Stoughton, WI 53589
608 877-4400
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Matthew Sweet Acoustic Trio - Abe Partridge opens (2024)

Matthew Sweet Acoustic Trio - Abe Partridge opens (2024)
Sat. Oct. 5 7:30 PM

$25 - In-Person
$15 - Streaming Access

Since finding the sweet spot between sensitive and swaggering on the 1991 album Girlfriend (his third, the title track of which was a big rock radio and MTV hit), Matthew Sweet has steadily added to his catalog of power pop gems. A new album is on the way this year - meanwhile, Sweet's catalogue continues to be a source of inspiration for longtime fans and new converts. "When I meet young people and they ask for advice about a career in music, I always say, 'Do music because it's what you love to do, and because you'd do it no matter what happens,'" he concludes. "I've tried to keep that attitude about it, because that's always worked for me. I just try to keep doing my thing and keep believing."
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