Southern Wisconsin's Most Charming Theatre
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381 E. Main St.
Stoughton, WI 53589
608 877-4400
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Keller Williams

Keller Williams
Fri. April 25

7:30 PM


Virginian, Keller Williams, released his first album in 1994, FREEK, and has since given each of his albums a single syllable title: BUZZ, SPUN, BREATHE, LOOP, LAUGH, HOME, DANCE, STAGE, GRASS, DREAM, TWELVE, LIVE, ODD, THIEF, KIDS, BASS, PICK, FUNK, VAPE, SYNC, RAW, SANS, ADD, SPEED, CELL and DROLL. Un-beholden to conventionalism, he seamlessly crosses genre boundaries. The end product is music that encompasses rock, jazz, funk and bluegrass, and keeps the audience on their feet. Keller built his reputation on his unique engaging live performances. His stage shows are rooted around Keller singing his compositions and choice cover songs, while accompanying himself on acoustic guitar, bass, guitar synthesizer and drum samples; a technique called live phrase sampling or "looping." The end result leans toward a hybrid of alternative folk and groovy electronica, a genre Keller jokingly calls "acoustic dance music" or ADM." Keller's constant evolution has led to numerous band projects; Keller & The Keels, Grateful Grass, KWahtro, Keller and the Travelin' McCourys, Grateful Gospel and More Than A Little to name a few.
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