Southern Wisconsin's Most Charming Theatre
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381 E. Main St.
Stoughton, WI 53589
608 877-4400
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Jeffrey Foucault (Full Band) - Erik Koskinen supports (2024)

Jeffrey Foucault (Full Band) - Erik Koskinen supports (2024)
Thur. Dec. 12 7:30 PM


The Universal Fire Album Release Show

In two decades on the road Jeffrey Foucault has become one of the most distinctive voices in American music, refining a sound instantly recognizable for its simplicity and emotional power, a decidedly Midwestern amalgam of blues, country, rock’n’roll, and folk. In two decades on the road Jeffrey Foucault has become one of the most distinctive voices in American music, refining a sound instantly recognizable for its simplicity and emotional power. THE UNIVERSAL FIRE, his first album of entirely new material since 2018 is a series of high-voltage performances cut live in one room, the album is both a working wake– Foucault lost his best friend and drummer Billy Conway, to cancer in 2021– and a meditation on the nature of beauty, artifact, and loss. Augmenting Foucault's all-star band with members of Calexico and Bon Iver (drummer John Convertino and producer/saxophonist Mike Lewis) THE UNIVERSAL FIRE sets Conway’s death against the massive 2008 fire at the Universal Studios lot in California that destroyed the master recordings of some of our bedrock American music, to interrogate ideas about mortality, legacy, meaning, and calling.
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