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Jake Xerxes Fussell with special guest Courtney (2024) Hartman

Jake Xerxes Fussell with special guest Courtney (2024) Hartman
Sat. Oct. 19 7:30 pm

$25 - In-Person
$10 - Streaming Access

Reared in Georgia and now settled in North Carolina, Jake Xerxes Fussell has established himself as a devoted listener and contemplative interpreter of a vast array of so-called folk songs, lovingly sourced from a personal store of favorites. On his latest album, When I’m Called—his first LP for Fat Possum, and his first as a parent—Fussell returns to a well of music that holds lifelong sentimental meaning, loosely contemplating the passage of time and the procession of life’s unexpected offerings. 

The album was produced by James Elkington and mixed by Tucker Martine. In addition to Elkington, it features the playing of Ben Whiteley (The Weather Station), Joe Westerlund (Bon Iver, Califone), and others. Blake Mills contributes guitars on several tracks. Joan Shelley and Robin Holcomb provide backing vocals.

Courtney Hartman is a Colorado-born guitarist, singer, writer and producer best known for
her work beneath the surface, writing and recording with artists throughout the folk community.
With the release of her newest album, Glade, Courtney takes us with her into a world of her own
making, with songs about home and abiding; pulling out the marrow of what makes us good and
what makes us kin. Written in the year following her return to a childhood home, the songs emanate from a place of quiet and sifting out. Although she brought in a handful of friends to contribute from a distance, for the most part, Glade was crafted alone in the dark morning hours. Acoustic Guitar Magazine recognizes Courtney as a “distinctive guitar stylist... and a songwriter that delights and disturbs” while PopMatters calls her music “a delicate light glistening softly in the darkness.”

Her debut album, Ready Reckoner, was written amidst a 500-mile walking pilgrimage and features collaborations with Bill Frisell, Anais Mitchell, Shazhad Ismaily and Sam Amidon. In 2014 Courtney received a GRAMMY nomination for her work with folk quintet Della Mae and in 2017 she was nominated for Instrumentalist of the Year by the Americana Music Association.
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