Southern Wisconsin's Most Charming Theatre
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381 E. Main St.
Stoughton, WI 53589
608 877-4400
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JD McPherson SOCKS: A Rock N’ Roll Christmas Tour--Joel Paterson supports 23/24

JD McPherson SOCKS: A Rock N’ Roll Christmas Tour--Joel Paterson supports 23/24
Thur. Dec.14 7:30 PM

Hailing from Broken Arrow, OK, JD McPherson has recorded four studio albums and
toured extensively at venues worldwide, including festival sets at Glastonbury,
Bonnaroo and Newport Folk Festival, among many others. Rolling Stone has described
his music as “Timeless, forward-thinking rock & roll.” His 2017 LP, UNDIVIDED HEART & SOUL, was released to widespread critical acclaim with NPR praising, “McPherson’s
mastery of rock and soul fundamentals is beyond question, but his voice moves in wild
ways on these songs, and the band exudes a new kind of risky energy.”

Joel Paterson:

Guitar wizard Joel Paterson brings you the best in Jazz, blues, western swing, and everything in between. Joel is one of the busiest guitarists and steel guitarists on the roots music scene today, and his band plays every Monday night at Chicago’s most iconic jazz spot, The Green Mill Cocktail Lounge.
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