Southern Wisconsin's Most Charming Theatre
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Most of our shows this season will be available to attend remotely. As show dates approach and the okay to stream is confirmed with the artist, a streaming icon will appear next to that shows listing. Just click to purchase a stream and watch from the couch!


381 E. Main St.
Stoughton, WI 53589
608 877-4400
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Harp Twins Rockin’ Halloween Concert! (2024)

Harp Twins Rockin’ Halloween Concert! (2024)
Fri. Oct. 25 7:30 PM


You won't want to miss this all-ages concert full of spooky songs, tantalizing tunes, comedy, and classic rock favorites! The Volfgang Twins will join the Harp Twins on double drums for the exciting finale of the concert! Free meet & greet with the twins immediately following the show.

Identical twin harpists Camille and Kennerly Kitt, known as the Harp Twins,

have achieved extraordinary success by taking Electric Harps and Concert

Grand Harps to unprecedented levels and smashing boundaries between

different genres of music. Their stunning live show features virtuoso

harp arrangements of classic rock, metal, and their own Nordic Celtic originals with the Harp Twins own exciting, comedic, and interactive performance audiences cannot forget!
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