Southern Wisconsin's Most Charming Theatre
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381 E. Main St.
Stoughton, WI 53589
608 877-4400
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Elizabeth Moen (2024)

Elizabeth Moen (2024)
Fri. Nov. 8 7:30 PM

$25 - In-Person
$10 - Streaming Access

Elizabeth Moen is a guitarist, singer-songwriter based in Chicago, IL. Moen blends fierce, massive vocals and raw bluesy guitar with introspective lyrics and electronic textures.

From her life to the studio, Elizabeth Moen carries with her a certain kind of street-smart wisdom. Moen channels life’s turmoil into a constant process of growth–as a songwriter, an arranger, and powerful lyricist.

Emerging from the introductory stage of her career, Moen is now cementing her commitment to craft: Making Wherever You Aren’t wasn’t just an impassioned way to pass time, it was a calling and an opportunity to reflect life’s lessons into a gripping statement of art.

The record teases sounds from alt. country, contemporary Nashville, and indie soul but mostly settles into the tone of early 20’s weariness. Wherever You Aren’t finds its spirit in guitar twangs and robust rhythms; though something ethereal and haunting is always there in the mix–it’s Moen’s nuanced understanding of space, knowing when to flood a track with catharsis and when to let her voice guide us through eerie minimalism. As evidenced across her catalog, Moen can bend any genre to her unique mix of sorrow, hope, and endurance.
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