Southern Wisconsin's Most Charming Theatre
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Most of our shows this season will be available to attend remotely. As show dates approach and the okay to stream is confirmed with the artist, a streaming icon will appear next to that shows listing. Just click to purchase a stream and watch from the couch!


381 E. Main St.
Stoughton, WI 53589
608 877-4400
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Davina & the Vagabonds (2024)

Davina & the Vagabonds (2024)
Sat. Oct. 12 7:30 PM

$30 - In-Person
$20 - Streaming Access

Davina Sowers and the Vagabonds have created a stir on the national music scene with their high-energy live shows, level A musicianship, sharp-dressed professionalism, and Sowers’ commanding stage presence. With influences ranging from Fats Domino and the Preservation Hall Jazz Band to Aretha Franklin and Tom Waits, the band is converting audiences one show at a time, from Vancouver to Miami and across Europe.

Davina and the Vagabonds shine every time they play. They’ve earned feverish acclaim from the Chicago Tribune, NPR, and more in addition to performing on BBC’s international favorite late-night program Later… With Jools Holland and appearing on PBS’s Bluegrass Underground.
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